Inhumate Suite

Inhumate Suite contains infrastructure and common tools for concept development, research, training and user testing projects. It lets you reduce development time and risk, and focus on core project activity instead of infrastructure and tooling around it.

Our software is designed from the ground up for simulation-based and other operations, including

The suite was developed to meet the lowest common denominator needs of multiple simulation-based projects and operations, and years of experience.

Tools you might not know you need

Simulation-based operations typically require more functionality than the actual simulators themselves:

  • Networking and co-simulation
  • Runtime and process control
  • Recording, playback and analysis (e.g. data, audio and video)
  • Authoring, monitoring and control for different user groups (e.g. observer, instructor, trainee)
  • Assessment and surveys

These tools, often considered peripheral to the project goals, tend to be overlooked or underestimated.

Required functionality in a simulation-based project

Benefits & Characteristics

Use the suite to achieve

  • Focus on core activity
  • Robust budget and planning
  • Rich, time-synchronized data and analysis, e.g. for reporting or debriefing
  • Unified platform for multiple projects and operations
  • Less reinventing wheels

The suite is designed to be

  • Light-weight – flexible software solution
  • Simple to use and deploy – modular, ready-made integrations
  • Cross-platform and adaptable – windows/macOS/Linux, local or cloud
  • Powered by open-source – well integrated with open-source ecosystem


RTI - Runtime Infrastructure
  • Networking message broker
  • Common information model
  • Client libraries (C++, C#, Python, Typescript)
  • Runtime control web interface
  • Control, scripting and debugging command-line interface
  • Logs messages and measurements
  • Log tagged with metadata, e.g. scenario, configuration, participants
  • Storage in portable SQLite files
  • Configurable from clients
  • Remote-control launch & shutdown
  • Coordinate across multiple computers
  • Scripted actions on simulation runtime events
  • Checks and sequence control
  • Stand-alone application, or
  • Vue component library for creating customized application
  • 3D symbolic scenario view
  • Geographical map view
  • Metrics/measurements graph view
  • Data extraction from Recorder SQLite log files into CSV/Excel files
  • Data pipeline architecture
  • Python API, or
  • shell/batch scripts
  • Welcome page for on-premises or cloud-based simulation test participants
  • Stand-alone application, or
  • Vue component library for creating customized application
A/V Recorder
  • Time-synchronized recording multiple video and audio streams
  • Connect webcams, IP cameras or stand-alone microphones
  • Screen and computer audio recording
  • Playback synchronized with simulation data
  • Instructor/observer observations
  • Prompted surveys
  • Authoring tool
  • Trigger observation/survey based on simulation events
  • Software-based radio voice communications simulation
  • Multiple radios, intercom channels
  • Customizable user interface
Unreal Engine Plugins
  • RTI integration plugin
  • Standard components for entities, geometry, measures etc
  • Simple method for extending with project-specific components
  • Sandbox demo/learning project
Unity Packages
  • RTI integration package
  • Common package - common simulation tools
  • Geo package - geographical, mapping, routing
  • Models package - common dynamic models

Pave your way to success

By using existing tools and infrastructure instead of building your own, you can

  • Reduce development time and complexity, achieve more within budget
  • Make systems and technology more aligned with their purpose
  • Improve human-system effectiveness
  • Have the data to prove it